Saturday 12 October 2013


Having found the Third Reich tour really interesting, I decided to visit the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp memorial. Sachsenhausen was used primarily for political prisoners during Nazi rule, and during the Soviet occupation was used as a 'special camp' until 1950. Some 30,000 prisoners died here as a result of executions, exhaustion, disease, malnutrition, pneumonia and medical experimentation. Haunting stuff.

The gates to the main camp under the guard tower

Electric, barbed wire fence. Anyone caught on the pebbled area were shot without question

The prison yard (they only reconstructed two barracks so it wouldn't have been this barren)

The two barracks they reconstructed, one is a museum and one is exactly how it would have been during the camp's use

The memorial to those who served in the camp and those who freed them

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